Synonymous with “One”. Synonymous with “Solo”. Synonymous with The Sun. Your inner Sun. Your portal to the collective Sun or Soul. Guard it well. It belongs to you and you alone. Do not give it onto another being. Do not permanently rest it on any doctrine, religion or Ideologies. Doctrines and religions (Re-Legends) are only stepping stones or rungs on a ladder. remember what Enock said? ”Behold, I see the ladder going up and down”. The ladder is a transitory device. Not a place to rest or live. Although there is no rush. Do get on your way. Evolve, grow and expand. When the spirit moves away from the soul it moves into divisions, when it moves towards the soul it moves towards oneness or wholeness. So, Let us go forth onto the ladder of life so we may learn as much truth as possible which is the path back to the Soul hence, when the bodies divide (die) our spirit will be in the best possible condition for the journey back to the Soul.

Raise your Djed…

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